Friday, January 2, 2009

Winter Pics

First snow of the year
Gidget is tired
Sometimes Max feels like an inmate

As an intellectual, Noodle would like to let you know ...
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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009, how wonderful it is to see you!

So Max, our beagle, does not like fireworks. We were hoping it would not be too bad this year being that it was -5 outside. They were going off from about midnight to 2:30 am. I did not know that max could fit under our bed.

Max is fine now and seems to have made a full recovery. If I didn't know better I would say that he was a victim of war by his actions. Gidget, our other dog was fine and took advantage of steeling Oran's spot on the bed. All in all, there was only two spots on the floor that we needed to clean up.

Oran's night included a lot of tissue (he is getting over a cold), a little champagne, and a small superficial stab wound (that will teach him to use the dishwasher as a hand rest). Jennifer's night fared better and we both made it into the year 2009 without any other injuries or mishaps. We watched CNN's coverage of Time Square where we herd Kathy Griffin yell to some hecklers with some inappropriate words and Bourbon Street's bawdy degenerates who were flipping off the camera and yelling obscenities.

This afternoon we welcomed the 2009 year with coffee and breakfast burritos snuggled up with Max, Gidget and Noodle. There are 18 days till the O day inauguration and we are hoping for the best for us and everyone we know. Maybe we can turn the heat back on in the house soon.